Partnering With Brennan Jacobs For Equipment Maintenance
10/27/2020Using a third party firm to handle equipment maintenance can seem counter-intuitive. Equipment safety is so critical to keeping a job site safe and functional. Regulations and risk management require so much oversight. It might seem more logical to keep maintenance functions in house. Going down the path of launching an internal maintenance department will quickly demonstrate, however, that dedicating the resources required to keep everyone trained and current can cost a huge amount of money. Making sure there are enough employees to keep up with all of the equipment maintenance and inspection needs can trigger what feels like a never ending recruiting and training cycle. Overseeing the department is also tough. Feeling certain that your equipment is highly functional and maintained can be difficult. Who performs quality assurance when the team is internal? It can seem like there is no end to the money and time required to staff a really qualified maintenance department, and the internal structuring required for a modestly sized organization is complex.
Most organizations understand the importance of equipment maintenance, particularly when it comes to overhead cranes and other critical site equipment. Properly run site operations require properly scheduled, organized and documented maintenance in order to continue running with compliance, safety and functionality. Running maintenance in house requires that maintenance staff are trained on an ongoing basis, not only for each manufacturer’s specifications, but also for the requirements of each regulator so that appropriate documentation is maintained. Keeping employees trained is expensive and time intensive, and isn’t part of your core business.
However, working with a skilled third party maintenance organization like Brennan Jacobs gives your firm depth of field, cost savings and assurance that you are following the most current protocols and best practices. Staying on top of the latest technologies is part of what Brennan Jacobs does. Technicians in the field have both the depth of experience and the up-to-date training to understand your needs. They are also fully versed on the regulatory safety requirements you face and what documentation your site needs in order to keep compliant. Rather than dedicating internal resources to maintaining equipment, allowing professionals of Brennan Jacobs to handle this important commitment for you can free up your resources to best serve and grow your business.