Replacing reverse cambered runway beams.
New Custom Bridge Wheels Installed on 60 foot span 11 Ton
Overhead Crane

Upgraded Crane controls to variable Frequency Drives in new enclosures with new Trolley festoon system
Replacement 350 foot long runway Crane Rail and upgraded conductor bar to 4 bar Safe-lec System
Temporarily Removing 6 Ton Runway structure so new Stamping Machine can be installed on the other side.
Upgraded 10 Ton Crane with Modern Hoist. R&M SX601, Hoist vfd with ESR (Extended Speed Range), pressure rollers in place rope guide. Blue Tooth monitoring and adjusting VFD’s.
Arm Corps of Engineers Project. Changing out 1200 foot long rope on 20 Ton Crane. Load tested Crane with Water Bags and Diesel Portable Pump lowered down the to water level.